Hamlet, Salzburg Festival 2024
The Opera Enthusiast – Klaus Billand
The Philharmonia Choir Vienna contributed significantly to the great success of this premiere. The women’s choir, in particular, had great moments in the second part, especially in connection with Ophélie's downfall.
Broadcast Piazza – Michael Atzinger
The Philharmonia Choir Vienna doesn't have too difficult a task, as they mostly sing in unison – and they sounded fabulous. Soft and rounded, at times enchantingly delicate, at times powerfully resonant.
Drehpunkt Kultur – Reinhard Kriechbaum
In the quite "old-fashioned" instrumental funeral procession for Ophelia, the women of the Philharmonia Choir Vienna, prepared by Walter Zeh, contributed with lyrical empathy and French charm. The choir has plenty to do in Hamlet, suggesting a wide variety of atmospheres. This was done finely and vividly.
Online Merker - Manfred A. Schmid
The Philharmonia Choir Vienna, prepared by Walter Zeh, was excellently presented.
BR Klassik
…the Philharmonia Choir sounded fabulous, soft and rounded, at times enchantingly delicate, at times powerfully resonant!
Die Presse - Walter Weidringer
…richly supported by the Philharmonia Choir Vienna.
Kurier – Susanne Zobl
The Philharmonia Choir Vienna (prepared by Walter Zeh) was magnificent.
Kleine Zeitung – Helmut Christian
…as well as the harmonious Philharmonia Choir Vienna (prepared by Walter Zeh).
Süddeutsche Zeitung - Michael Stallknecht
...fanfares, marches, and many choral scenes which the Philharmonia Choir Vienna sings with precision.
Opera Archive – Rossana Paliaga (translated from Italian)
The Philharmonia Choir Vienna sings with a well-rounded, powerful sound, showcasing an excellent blend and unity in their approach to dynamics and detailed expression, both with solemn and martial accents, as well as in the subtleties of Ophelia's glide into the water.