Die Fledermaus (The Bat), jOpera Jennersdorf Summer Festival

© Soswinski

Letter from festival director Dietmar Kerschbaum

Dear Vienna Philharmonia Chorus, Dear Walter, Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and if possible, speak a few sensible words. Had Johann Wolfgang von Goethe heard YOU, he would have put listening to a choir sing right at the beginning of his list. My most heartfelt thanks!

Letter from director Dominik Wilgenbus

Dear Walter, Once again, it was a joy to work with your wonderful chorus! In such a highly focused setting as the j:opera festival, if you want a bat that flies rather than merely fluttering you need unfailingly accomplished and motivated singers like the ones you brought together, rehearsed and presented to us this year. For this I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and more is the pity that I did not have chance to meet you in person. Eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to do so, I wish all the very best to you and yours. Love, Dominik Wilgenbus

Letter from conductor Alexander Joel

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank-you for being so wonderful to work with, and for the great performances I had the pleasure of conducting with you all.  I hope that we can work together again sometime. Very best wishes, Alexander Joel

Der neue Merker, Herrmann Becke

The Vienna Philharmonia Chorus (choral director: Walter Zeh), showing remarkable self-denial in allowing themselves to be put in such gruesome costumes, form a solid backbone for the ensemble.


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