Tristan und Isolde, Baden-Baden 2016
online Merker, Alexander Walther
The gentlemen of the Vienna Philharmonia Chorus, as hapless mariners, build up a downright sinister vocal undertow of ever heightening intensity.
Incidentally, praise is likewise due to the Vienna Philharmonia Chorus – at last, a men's chorus who not only keep from drifting all over the place at the end of the first act, but indeed keep time with military precision. Fascinating what that can sound like – after all, one only ever hears it on record otherwise.
Die Welt
The Vienna Philharmonia Chorus keeps up the high standard.
Financial Times, Rebecca Schmid
The male singers of the Vienna Philharmonia Chorus gave a full-bodied if obedient performance from the pit.
Opernnetz, Ralf Siepmann
It should not go unmentioned that the Vienna Philharmonia Chorus, coached by Walter Zeh, are among the best of their species, having once more delivered splendid proof of the fact.