Messiah, Week of Mozart Salzburg 2020

Messias 2020, News

In this „Messiah“ in the „House of Mozart” music excels … with the Philharmonia Chorus Vienna.

Dreh Punkt Kultur, Reinhard Kriechbaum

The Philharmonia Chorus Vienna consists of only 33 singers articulating in a solid way. This rather small but flexible ensemble  makes the series of Fugues a special experience

O.Ö. Volksblatt

….while the powerful Philharmonia Chorus Vienna (coached by Walter Zeh)  sings about deeds and mights.

Kronen Zeitung, Hans Langthaler

In the beginning Marc Minkowski and his orchestra put massive pressure on the singers. This influences the solo quartet negatively, the finely tuned Philharmonia Chorus Vienna is hardly disturbed by this.

Süddeutsche Zeitung, Florian Amort

A big compliment should go to the Philharmonia Chorus Vienna, they master the gigantic choral parts by heart and professionally and seriously act the poses that are rather uncomfortable when singing but are asked of them by Wilson in his stage production.

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