Hamlet, Salzburg Festival 2024
16.08.2024 19:00–19.08.2024 22:30 Felsenreitschule, Salzburg

Ambroise Thomas (1811–1896)
Opera in five acts (appr. 1860–1863/1867, premiered in 1868)
Libretto by Michel Carré and Jules Barbier after William Shakespeare#s tragedy, in the french adaption by Alexandre Dumas père and Paul Meurice
Concert Performance
Leading Team
Conductor, Bertrand de Billy
Stéphane Degout, Hamlet
Jean Teitgen, Claudius - King of Denmark
Julien Henri,c Laërte
Clive Bayley, The ghost of the late king
Ève-Maud Hubeaux, Queen Gertrude
Lisette Oropesa, Ophélie
Philharmonia Chorus Vienna Wien (Chorus Master: Walter Zeh)
Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg
Performances: 16th and 19th of August 2024